1st Annual Early Childhood Luncheon | Helena Area

Join Child Care Connections and our Premier Event Sponsor, the Headwaters Foundation, for the our 1st Annual Luncheon in the Helena Area in celebration of early childhood!

Over the past four years this event has been a great success in the Bozeman area, and we are excited to offer it for the first time in Helena on May 9th, 2019. The event will take place at the Helena College Airport Campus from 12:00 – 1:00 pm, with networking starting at 11:30 am.

The program will include a family style catered lunch by Event Thyme, a performance by area children, a discussion on the success and challenges of faced by child care providers, families with young children and early childhood issues in our community, and a chance to support the work of Child Care Connections.

Space is limited- RSVP today by contacting Rose Heider at rose@ccccmontana.org or (406) 548-3668.

Event sponsorship information:

Interested in being a leader in supporting early childhood in the Helena area? Join the Headwaters Foundation, Crowley Fleck, and Daryl and Kelly Seymour as a leader in supporting this important event by becoming a Table Sponsor!

Click HERE to learn more about becoming a Table Sponsor and the benefits you will recieve.

Contact Rose Heider for more information at rose@cccmontana.org or (406) 548-3668.


Child Care Connection is the sole Child Care Resource and Referral Agency for Gallatin, Park, Meagher, Lewis & Clark, Broadwater and Jefferson counties. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Child Care Connections

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