Child Care Stabilization Grant Opportunity
Provider Stabilization Grant applications will be available to all Licensed and Registered Programs in October 2021! These grants are intended to help Child Care Providers maintain, or resume, services and will fund operating expenses. A virtual Town Hall will be held...CCC In The News: How will MT spend big pot of federal child-care money?
$112 million available for next two years Photo by: MTN NEWS A huge shortage of child-care slots persists in Montana — can federal Covid-19 relief funds make a dent? By: Mike Dennison Posted at 1:41 PM, Aug 20, 2021 and last updated 1:41 PM, Aug 20, 2021 HELENA...
Stronger Together
Last month we began the conversation around the critical development of social communication as the precourser to children’s language and literacy development. We explored the First Words Project’s look books that we can access and share with families and staff. Let’s go a step further and engage families in learning more about social communication milestones with the support of Baby Navigator.