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Child Care Basics & Brunch

Are you interested in running your own childcare business but don't know where to start? Join us for a light brunch to learn more about how we help you open the doors of your own high-quality, licensed, preschool or childcare program. We'll have providers on hand to answer your questions and a short presentation from […]

Pyramid Model: Blended Module 2

Pyramid Model: Blended Module 2 January 31st & February 7th from 6:00-9:00pm at Child Care Connections, Free -Prerequisite: Intro to the Pyramid Model & Pyramid Model Module 1 Participants will be able to state why it is important to be intentional about teaching social skills to children, identify strategies and activities for supporting the development […]

Child Find

Event Fee: $17.50 Participants will be able to:  1. Define Child Find and Identify the roles of provider, parents and school districts/cooperatives 2. Identify community partners and their roles 3. Reference a list of 13 areas of disability. Presenter: Sara Jones To register, click here. Location Child Care Connections from 6:30-8:30pm

STARS Round Table

STARS Round Table February 9th from 9:00am to 12:00pm at Child Care Connections, Free -This course is designed for STARS directors to share, compare and identify new strategies to improve overall program operation. *To register click HERE.

Early Childhood Essentials (Day training)

Event Fee: Free Presenter: Tammy Christofferson Intended for entry level providers! Participants will be able to: 1. explain how the MT Early Care and Education system supports professional development, children and families and promotes quality early childhood practices. 2. Describe effective skills in providing a healthy and safe learning environment for children. 3. Recognize community […]

Pyramid Model Blended Module 2

Event Fee: FREE Participants will be able to:  1. state why it is important to be intentional about teaching social skills to children 2. identify strategies and activities for supporting the development of friendship skills and to recognize label, and express emotions 3. identify the problem solving steps and strategies to teach children how to […]

Pyramid Model: Overview of Module 3

Pyramid Model: Overview of Module 3 February 12th from 6:30-8:30pm at Child Care Connections, Free -Prerequisite: Introduction to the Pyramid Model, Module 1 and Module 2. Participants will be able to describe the difference between Positive Behavior Support and traditional discipline approaches, discuss how challenging behavior may be used instead of language by a child […]

Mind in the Making Part 3

Event Fee: FREE Presenter: Tori Sproles & Gaby Loeza Participants will be able to: 1. Define and discuss making connections and critical thinking. 2. Practice and discuss strategies to support making connections and critical thinking. 3. Develop a plan for enhancing these life skills with children and themselves. To register, please click here. Location Bozeman […]

CPR/First Aid

CPR/First Aid February 13th from 9:00am-12:30pm at Child Care Connections, $45 -American Red Cross Adult, Child, and Infant CPR and First Aid certification. Certification is good for two years from time of completion. Call or email Brandi to register. *To register contact Brandi at 406-587-7786 or

Early Childhood Essentials

Early Childhood Essentials February 13th from 6:00pm-9:00pm at Child Care Connections, FREE -Participants will be able to explain how the MT Early Care and Education system supports professional development, children and families and promotes quality early childhood practices, describe effective skills in providing a healthy and safe learning environment for children and recognize community resources […]

Program Management

Event Fee: FREE Presenter: Tammy Christofferson  Intended for new directors! Participants will be able to: 1. Identify the role of an early childhood professional 2. Describe the MT Early Care and Education system 2. Recognize community resources applicable to families, children and early childhood professionals. To register, please click here. Location Child Care Connections from […]

Child Care: More Than Business as Usual- Marketing

Child Care: More Than Business as Usual- Marketing February 20th from 6:00pm- 9:00pm at Child Care Connections, $26.25 -The purpose of this training is to strengthen child care providers’ understanding […]