Natural Disasters can be scary. While a natural disaster is unfolding, children need help to cope with big emotions and uncertainty. Here are some resources to help parents and caregivers prepare for emergencies, and comfort children on the scariest, toughest days.
- Sesame Street: Sesame Street Gets Through a Storm
- Sesame Street in Communities: Handling Emergencies
- NCTSN: Parent Tips for Helping Infants and Toddlers After a Disaster
- NCTSN: Parent Tips for Helping Preschool Age Children After a Disaster
- NCTSN: Disaster Resources
- First Five Years: How to Talk to Children About Disasters
- Birdie’s Tree: Growing Together Through Natural Disasters
- Birdie Stories– including Birdie and the Flood, Birdie and the Fire, Birdie and the Very Hot Day, Birdie and The Storm, and Birdie and the Shelter
Preparing for an Emergency
- Be informed- Learn about disasters and emergencies that can affect your community
- Ready.gov- Make a Plan
- American Red Cross- Get Emergency Alerts
- Ready.gov- Build an Emergency Kit
- Child Care Aware of America- Crisis and Disaster Resources