Child Care Connections

Provider Financial Assistance

Click below to apply for up to $3,000 in assistance for new or expanding licensed Child Care Providers.

Submit completed applications to Kami Ryles at

Funding Highlights

The Provider Financial Assistance Program funds can be used for the purposes of:

➢ Start-up Funds

  • For New programs in the process of becoming registered/licensed through the State of Montana; or for programs that have become registered/licensed within 6 months of the grant application. o Licensing compliance such as the balance of funds needed for fencing, egress windows, indoor/outdoor equipment, materials, etc.
  • Business equipment such as a computer, printer, and/or software to manage CACFP claims and customer billing, or Sign In/Sign out/Immunization tracking software

➢ Emergency/Health and Safety Standards

  • Licensed/Registered programs that have experienced an emergency that could affect their ability to provide care and is not covered by insurance or not fully covered by insurance.
  • Licensed /registered programs that have health and safety concerns that could impact their ability to maintain their registration/license or their ability to provide care.

Child Care Connections administers this funding on behalf of the State of Montana.

Kids putting their hands in the center
Child Care Connections

Our Donors

Every donation to Child Care Connections is an investment in the future of our communities. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Child Care Connections counts on our donors to support our work. Learn more about our current donors and how to join in their support today!