CPR & First Aid
Child Care Connections (Helena) 901 N Benton Ave, Helena, MT, United StatesTo register for this course please contact Brandi Thomas, brandi@cccmontana.org, or 406.548.3650
To register for this course please contact Brandi Thomas, brandi@cccmontana.org, or 406.548.3650
Join CCC at Mountains Walking on July 26, from 4-8 PM Mountains Walking will donate 10 percent of draft beer sales! Enjoy a draft beer and a night out, and support CCC at the same time! Hope to see you there, cheers!
3 sessions: July 28th, August 4th, August 11th from 6-8 pm Participants will learn about the ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE. After the training participants will be able to administer, interpret and score these screening tools. Participants will be able to communicate results and gain an understanding of the developmental milestones of young children.
Required course for Child Care Licensing! This course provides information to early childhood professionals regarding the Early Childhood system in MT. Early childhood practices that promote health, safety, professionalism, and […]
Required for New Directors! This course introduces providers to the statewide agencies and programs in Montana that support quality early care and education programs. The course also includes information on […]
Order from Panda Express on August 11, 2021, and 20 percent of meal sales will be donated to Child Care Connections! Order online or on the app and use the code 325364 in the promo code box OR visit in person and show the flyer on your phone! Find the flyer on the button below.
To register for this training please contact Tammy Christofferson, tammy@cccmontana.org, or 406.548.3671.
Required course for Child Care Licensing! This course provides information to early childhood professionals regarding the Early Childhood system in MT. Early childhood practices that promote health, safety, professionalism, and quality care and education are explained. Community resources to support early childhood professionals, families, and children are presented.
This training will allow participants the opportunity to learn skills useful in having conversations about difficult topics with parents. Participants should expect to practice new skills in small group role-play activities. Skill acquisition will be measured by self-report before and after the activity.
To register for this training please contact Tammy Christofferson, tammy@cccmontana.org, or 406.548.3671.
To register for this course please contact Brandi Thomas, brandi@cccmontana.org, or 406.548.3650
Required course for Child Care Licensing! This course provides information to early childhood professionals regarding the Early Childhood system in MT. Early childhood practices that promote health, safety, professionalism, and […]